Park Improvements and Projects:

  • Operation of Van Damme Visitor Center

  • Restoration of original 1930s era floors at Visitor Center

  • Fern Canyon Trail: new trail markers, interpretive panels, and a trail guide for kids

  • Campfire center repairs

  • Pre-construction surveys leading to current restoration of Spring Ranch Barns at Van Damme State Park

Van Damme Visitor Center

The Van Damme Visitor center, which was built as a recreation hall by the Civilian Conservation Corp in the 1930s, features a life like model of an underwater surge channel, complete with all of the creatures and plants that live in the tidal environment. Hold your breath and pretend you are diving under the waves! You will also find a mural depicting an artist’s rendition of early Pomo (Native American) life along the coast. The visitor center also has a gift shop, travel information, pamphlets, brochures, and a very knowledgeable and friendly docents to answer any questions you may have.

There is a beach access wheelchair, with tires that roll easily over the sand, parked at the visitor center. The chair can be reserved by calling 937-5804. A weeks’ notice is recommended.


Fern covered redwood forest in Van Damme State Park in Mendocino California

8125 N Highway 1
Little River, CA 95456

(707) 937-5804
More info at


Mendocino Headlands State Park


Greenwood State Beach